
Podiatry is a registered occupation in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This means that you must not commence practising as a podiatrist unless you have been registered with the Podiatrists Board of New Zealand and hold a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC).

Please allow up to 6 weeks for your completed registration application (and desktop assessment for overseas qualified applicants) to be processed.

New Zealand Graduates

The Bachelor of Health Science in Podiatry at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is the only qualification currently offered in Aotearoa New Zealand which leads to registration with the Podiatrists Board. Download the Registration application form here.

As well as registration, in order to practice podiatrists must also hold an Annual Practising Certificate.

Please note:

  • To support New Zealand graduates who have not been registered with any Registration Authority or practised before, there is a lower APC fee for the period 1 December to 31 March in the first year of practice.
  • All first time APC applicants and return to practice APC applicants must provide evidence of a current Basic Life Support (BLS) certificate (including anaphylaxis) (2 hour minimum), to accompany their APC application.

Please refer to the Board payment form for all fees payable.

All registrants must read and remain familiar with the following Board Standards:


The Board does not maintain a national directory of podiatry vacancies.

For information on employment in podiatry, please contact Podiatry New Zealand



Phone: 022 066 0273