Get Registered

In order to practice podiatry in New Zealand podiatrists must not only have the required qualifications but also be registered with the Podiatrists Board. This is a legal requirement in place to protect the health and safety of the New Zealand public, and the Board will only grant registration to applicants who are considered competent and fit for registration.

AUT is the sole education provider of podiatry in New Zealand. Overseas trained podiatrists are required to provide further evidence on their qualifications and skills before they can be considered for registration.

Find out how to apply for registration.

Practitioner Responsibilities

Podiatrists must hold an Annual Practising Certificate (APC) as well as being registered with the Board.

Obtaining an APC requires an undertaking by practitioners that they are maintaining their competence and are fit to practice.

Online renewals are only available mid-February to mid-April each year, at other times you must email or send the application form into the Board.

Apply for your Annual Practising Certificate.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements

The Board has a CPD framework that requires practitioners to maintain their competence throughout their practising career as a podiatrist. Practitioners are able to log their CPD activities online and upload their CPD evidential documentation in their Practitioner Portal.

Find out more about the CPD and recertification requirements.