Annual Practising Certificate

Annual Practising Certificate (APC)

Application for an Annual Practising Certificate (APC) also involves undertaking Board recertification requirements.

Before you apply for your APC you are advised to read the following information.

Every podiatrist who wishes to obtain an Annual Practising Certificate must apply to the Registrar. No person may claim to be practising as a podiatrist of a particular kind or do anything to suggest that they are practising unless the podiatrist holds a current practising certificate with a scope of practice which indicates that the podiatrist is of that kind.

  • If you are returning to practice after a period of 5 years or more, APC applicants are also required to pass the Board’s Open Book Examination (NZ cultural competence) as a pre-requisite. Refer to the Board’s Return to Practice policy.

    The standard APC year is 1 April until 31 March. Your scope of practice will be endorsed on the APC.  

    The Registrar will issue an APC if they believe that there are no reasons to refer the application to the Podiatrists Board under section 27 (1). The Registrar may decline to issue an APC if satisfied that any information included in the application is false or misleading.

    There are a number of grounds set out in the HPCA Act that may lead to the APC being restricted namely:

    The applicant

    – has failed to maintain the required standard of competence

    – has failed to fulfil or comply with a condition included in the applicant’s scope of practice

    – has not satisfactorily completed the requirements of any competence programme that the applicant has been ordered by the Authority to complete

    – has not held an APC in NZ within the 3 years immediately preceding the date of the application.

    – is unable to perform professional functions because of some mental or physical condition.

    – has not within the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application lawfully practised his or her profession.

    The Registrar may also decline to issue an APC if costs or expenses are owing from a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal hearing.

    If an APC is declined the Authority may issue an interim practising certificate for a period of up to 12 months and with any conditions the Podiatrist Board specifies.

    Podiatrists will be given an opportunity to make written and oral submissions prior to any decision being made to decline an Annual Practising Certificate application, or to include or vary conditions in the podiatrist’s scope of practice.
  • APC application forms available here:

FAQ- Frequently asked questions on APC renewals

1. Do I need to purchase an Annual Practising Certificate (APC)?
If you intend to practise in New Zealand for all or any part if the year 1 April to 31 March you will need to obtain an APC.

2. What if I am not going to work in the year 1 April to 31 March? 
You need to apply to the Board to remain on the Register as inactive/ non-practising and pay the Inactive Maintenance fee. Application form to remain on the Register as non-practising or to cancel registration 2024-2025 (valid 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025)

3. What do I do when I return to the workforce? 
 If you have not practised for more than 3 years the Board will require extra competence requirements. Refer to the Board’s Policy on Return to Practice Competence Requirements for further information.

4. Who is responsible for the purchase of an APC? 
The practitioner is responsible for making sure they have an APC.

5. How can I pay for my APC? 
Payment can be made when renewing online via the login on the home page, or by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or cheque if submitting a paper based application form. All first time APC applicants and Return to Practice APC applicants must submit the application form with their  current CPR certificate attached and are unable to apply online.

6. What do I do if I have changed my name?
You must advise the Board. You must send a certified copy or statutory declaration as evidence of your name change. A Justice of the Peace, Solicitor or Notary Public is authorised to certify these documents. Please write your registration number on your certified copy.

7. What do I do if my employer is paying for my APC? 
Payment of an APC by due date is still the responsibility of the practitioner. 

8. If I lose my APC can I get another one? 
No – we generally only issue one. If you declare that your APC is lost, we will issue a letter verifying that you hold an APC.

9. What happens if I pay after 1 April? 
You are legally required to hold a current APC whilst in practice. There will be a higher fee if you apply to renew your APC after 1 April (and you held an APC for the previous year.)