Your Responsibilities

Standards Framework

All practitioners must read and remain familiar with the following registration and practice standards.

Principles and Standards for the Practice of Podiatry in Aotearoa New Zealand (PSPPANZ)

Ethical Codes and Standards of Conduct

Notification that the practice of a registered practitioner may pose a risk of harm to the public.

If you are a health practitioner you may inform the authority in writing, if you believe that a practitioner for whom the Authority is responsible may pose a risk of harm to the public, by practising below the required standard of practice.

No civil or disciplinary proceedings lie against any person in respect of the above, unless the person has acted in bad faith.

The authority will assess whether the matter is frivolous or vexatious. If this is found to be so, the Authority does not have to take this any further.

The Authority may at any time review the competence of a practitioner who holds a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC), whether or not there is reason to believe that the practitioner’s competence may be deficient.

If the Authority assesses a risk of serious harm to the public, because the practitioner is practising below the required standard of competence, the Authority can suspend the practitioner’s APC or change the practitioner’s scope of practice.

The Authority may undertake a review of a practitioner and if the Authority has reason to believe that the practitioner fails to meet the standard of competence, the Authority must make one or more of the orders specified in the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003:

  • that the practitioner undertake a competence programme
  • that one or more conditions be included in the health practitioner’s scope of practice
  • that the practitioner sit an examination or undertake an assessment specified in the order
  • that the health practitioner be counselled or assisted by one or more nominated persons.

Note to employers of practitioners

Whenever an employee employed as a health practitioner resigns or is dismissed from his or her employment for reasons relating to competence, the person who employed the employee immediately before that resignation or dismissal must give the Registrar of the Authority written notice of the reasons for that resignation or dismissal.


The Board wishes to remind practitioners that patient testimonials should not be used nor linked to your website, in accordance with the Boards Advertising Policy.

PBNZ Advertising Policy

Contact Details

All registered practitioners must notify the Registrar when they change their postal address or email address.