In order to meet the requirements of Section 11 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the Podiatrists Board has gazetted and adopted four scopes of practice for the profession, and the qualification specifications for each scope.
The four scopes of practice are: Podiatrist, Podiatric Surgeon, Podiatric Radiographic Imager, and Visiting Podiatrist Educator/ Presenter.
A registered primary health care practitioner (including those previously registered as a chiropodist) who utilises medical, physical, palliative and surgical means other than those prescribed in the Podiatric Surgeon Scope of Practice, to provide diagnostic, preventative and rehabilitative treatment of conditions affecting the feet and lower limbs.
A Bachelor of Health Science in Podiatry from an accredited New Zealand University or a National Diploma in Podiatry or Chiropody from the Central Institute of Technology or equivalent overseas qualification as determined by the Podiatrists Board.
A registered primary health care practitioner who holds the scope of practice of Podiatrist and is further qualified to perform foot surgery by way of sharp toe nail wedge resection; surgical correction of lesser digital deformities affecting the phalanges, metatarsals and associated structures; surgical corrections of deformities affecting the first toe, first metatarsal and associated structures; surgical correction of deformities of the metatarsus, mid-tarsus, rear foot and associated structures; surgical correction and removal of pathological subcutaneous structures such as tendentious and nervous tissues and other connective soft tissue masses of the foot.
(The Podiatrists Board does not approve of any Podiatric Surgeon performing any procedure beyond their competence, training and qualifications.)
A Post Graduate qualification in Podiatric Surgery as determined by the Podiatrists Board or equivalent overseas qualification.
A registered primary health care practitioner who holds the scope of practice of Podiatrist, who is qualified to use radiological equipment, and is licensed by the Ministry of Health Office of Radiation Safety, to obtain plain radiographic images and/or fluoroscopic images of the foot, ankle and lower leg.
As part of the New Zealand undergraduate Bachelor of Health Science in Podiatry or satisfactory completion of an accredited post graduate training course in podiatric radiography.
A visiting registered Podiatrist who qualifies for the scope of practice of Podiatrist, and when appropriate for their specialty area of education, also qualifies for an additional scope of practice of Podiatric Surgeon and / or Podiatric Radiographic Imager as determined by the Podiatrists Board, who is presenting short-term educational / instructional programes requiring demonstrations or practices, of a clinical or practical nature.
Qualifications as to the individual educator speciality areas as recognised by the Podiatrists Board.
Further Scopes of Practice
Practitioners may apply to the Board for registration in a further scope of practice other than Podiatrist.
Applicaton form for registration in a further scope of practice
Podiatric Surgery:
Accreditation Standards for Podiatric Surgery Programmes
Please note: The Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (ACPS) assess all podiatric surgery qualifications and skills for the Board for any registration applications in this scope. Please send your registration in a further scope of practice form to the Board, and contact ACPS for further information on the assessment process:
Podiatric Surgery CPD Requirements